De Hawts Of the Hawts

To finally get over with de addmath paper was supposed to be a relieve. Well yeah, it sure is. Wuz supposed to be in school today to collect my art paper 3 . Too bad..juz found out bout it' last night so i'd juz collect em' on friday instead. No rush man.. THREE more subs to gO! *CHEERS* Yest'day i sat for my addM papes, I totally flung that piece of shyt man.. Total junk! I don't know much bout addm. So blame my left-brain yah.. It isnt functioning..dunnoe why.. I work better with my right. The fcuk-arse pengawas totally ruined my day! Makin hell lot of noise distracting me when i was struggling with my paper. yeayea..blabla.."circle your answers" "remember to tie your paper" yack yack yack. So i didn't bother to listen anymore. I didn't even bother when she said "remember to read your intructions..tEAR OUT THE PAPER AT THE BACK" DAmn! So what if i made a mistake there? She totally bugged me out. and then what? "you pEoPle dunNoe hOw tO rEaD inStruCtioNs aR hah?!@#$%#@?" bladdy ol' menopause bytch. wuteva.. I so-need to expand my horizon.. to go out and see the world. Different cultures, different lifestyles. Something DIFFERENT Just wait.. and see. Hmm.. I always think to myself.. Where's ma Mr.Right? He muST be searching for me too.. Struggling in tears just to catch a glimpse of me.. Oh-so-sexy! ooOOoo..hah! get REal girl.. Yeah sure..DREam on..bUT, at least i DARE TO DREAm. haHh! Aim high babeh~ Boys thESE days are so...$%^#@$%x! Did i say anything?? nOoo.. I so-loved JESSE Metcalfe and Jan's Alltime-favourite DANIEL Henney! oOooo.. DropDeadGorgeous is how i would describe them. Do you see them in aNY of the guys we see in the mall these day? or even amongst those we know? Sadly.. NO...hahaHh..WoOkay..this is buggin me out. AuRevoir sistas.
Lemmeputasmileonyaface laddeh..
The Boundless Love Of God
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it: YOU SAY GOD SAYS You say: "It's impossible"
God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27) You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30) You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34) You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15) You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6) You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13) You say: "I'm not able"
God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8) You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28) You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1) You say: "I can't manage"
God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19) You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7) You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7) You say: "I don't have enough faith"
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30) You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)
Quotes of the day.
"It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearance. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."by Oscar Wilde." Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful good looks." by Julie Andrew, British singer and actress."Do unto others what you would have them to do unto you."by Dunnoewhoone."Pray not for lighter burdens but for stronger backs." by Dunnowhotwo."Friends are forever, boys are whatever."by Phatdolla.Enjoy..Cherish your loved ones with your heart and soul. LovaDova,Me.
World War One
WAR, a human made catastrophe which cost lives of many innocents. Why war? Because they are plain Selfish and STUPID. Human Ego.= Dullards. People then lived in consternation and fear. Could you imagine if happened to us? No..No...way.. I just sat for my history paper yesterday and i never thought European history could be that interesting. I studied a few chapts until I came to this part which caught my attention. The instant factor of World War One. It was hilarious indeed. Well, it goes something like this..- It all started off with the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir of the Austria-Hungarian* (A.H.) and his wife by the Serbians. -The A.H. formed an alliance with Germany and seek revenge from the Serbians by attackin them. -The Serbians then formed an alliance with Rusia and France. - Jerman attacked France and made Britain tak puas with Germany. -So, Britain and America attacked Germany. Blablabla....- Then the Versailles Agreement was made. They signed the paper and they ciao.- Now Germany.. agaiN pussy gatal attacked Poland. (lazy to elaborate)- Then dunnoe what happened, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour in 1941.-Two alliances were yaself..- Germany lose the battle..HAHA in your face!- America went cookoo and dropped a bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.- Now everyone cooled down a lil' and realize how bad the damage was. No benefits..NOTHING!- After the battle, the bomb, the debts and so everybody EMO. (like kenjoe) which we call it PERANG DINGIN.- In the year WE were born, 1989, all that emo people turned back to normal. We became the Peacemaker..muahaha!Wonder why did I not get all these facts right in the exam. sigh. Whateva that is, from these we learnt that war is Bad for Health*. HAHAH! Btw..I personally AGAINST DASAR APARTEID! Silly fools.Now..I'm SO OVER history.. HATED EM'! All bout Islams and other ridiculous junks.. bleaghh... I totally screwed my essays man..and talk bout essays.. 1119 essays were horrible! I could not think of anything! I totally blank out! For de FIRST TIME! I panicked for some stupid reason.. Math...ooOOooo I'm SO-LOVIN-IT!! WEI HUI lUVbs MaTH! Rememba this! Today im juz gonna chill and continue studyin TOMorrow. Au revoir babeh! LovaDova, Me.*Phatdolla's Copyright*
I juz had flashbacks of her. Those days where we often hangout and so fourth..Really miss her..but..i cannot forgive her. Treated her like a real friend even tho how uncomfortable i often get round' her. I thought it was juz me or maybe that's juz de way she is and that i juz hafta deal with it. I guess i was so wrong. I wuz right from the start bout those feelings. How silly i was.. How nice would it be if all that* did not happen. Perhaps we could be really good friends in future. Tadaa... Now..never will.
p/s: i really dislike people using MY LINE.. you know what i mean.
GETCHA OWN! LovaDOVA, Originally, Me.
The Voice Within
Time has devoured my memories. Memories of you and me. I no longer remember the feelings of having you, I no longer feel the way I used to. You have made a decision. A decision of leaving me behind. You were not here when I needed you most. You were not aware that I was suffocating. You were given chances but you blew it off. You gave up on me, you gave up on us. It is my obligation to forever love you, also to put it in action. But sorry, that I cannot do. I tried and still am, I really want to but I can't just fake it. Time is what I need, to get over the pain you put me through, the many lonely hours. I'm not as strong as you think I am, I'm no other than an ordinary girl. When I was captured in our moment screen, I toughen myself and tell myself no, No, I have got to move on. Don't let my past hold me back. Now all I seek is light, the light to lead me out of darkness, out of the shadow of my darkest secret, which now I need to erase. Keep only the sweet and beautiful, get rid of the rotten and bitter. It is the only way to temporarily mend the hole in me, until the time is right, I shall remain silent.
Truth vs Lies
I pretty much adore Mayz's tag, THO its filled with vulgarities. Who is that to blame? The girl named SHE, Anonymous and *Sabrina.. I find it funny tho.. Juz an entertainment to loosen my mind before the major was what i needed. Don't u agree with me? Now everyone's bangin' tht three fellas on the tagboard. Darn funny.. We're practically enjoyin it. +PWonder what's on Miss Sabrina's mind... Well we can't blame her for being born guillable, juz that i think she should be old enuf to think for herself of who's right and wrong. Kjoe : Know NOTHIN but the TRUTH before you speak.I totally agree with that. U know, whateva u say reflects on yaself. That shows how low your mentality is. Not to say you're STUPID know.. Believing in the wrong person's word is a big mistake which you have to avoid. Or should i say its a MUST TO AVOID. You won't know if the whole world turns against you the next minute juz because of that silly mistake. On the other hand, if you've chosen the right side, you would have the world to back you up, as the right side is The Truth. Whether or not my word is to be taken seriously is absalutely up to you. I have nothing to lose as I've done my part by saying all this and make myself sound LAME. Yea..lame.. But wth.. its the TRUTH im speakin of. Dare U call me LAme! *slaps* LOL. I'll be back in school tomorrow. The very LAST DAY before the MAjor. What a thrill. After that(spm), I can FLY...! Up high into the sky....wOooOooOooo....But i must first find my wings.. Those beautiful wings of mine.. those in my imagination.. lol.. i'm a DreaMER as u can see. Well, thats about it for now. I'm a very lazy lass and needs to get started on my work now.U know.. im not that *I'm-a-straight A-scholar*. So before I fail even more, I better brush up! Towards the TRIUMPH* my friends... *cheers*
U're on my mind..
Yes U.... My SEJARAH textbook..My Addmath..My Biologi...My Moral..My BM...U....... Pullin Me baCk...from the STRAIGHT A's.......*fcuk duM....*LOL....wht to do??? This' what happens when im stressed..and yeah..i'm still BLOGGIN' at this very moment.. Envy me?? U can blog too.. but not at this time right?? Becoz WHY...? SPM'S juz in SEVEN days .... Studies says eating Almond helps you to concentrate, EGGS & COFFEE boostes your MEMORY and CHEWING A GUM helps you recall your works easier.LOL.. I'm nawt sure if that's true.. I read on that while i was flipping through the mag yesterday.. So, givvit a try.. No harm right?? Now I have somethin more essential in mind. So yeah.. Adios babeh..! *cal me if u mizz meh*
My Day
Should i say i've juz had the best Birthday eva?? *credits to the event planners* (u guys knoe who u are..)
It started of like this..The dinner's in 1u so i went there early thinkin that they* would be there already..
Ebelin arrived second btw. Then i received a phone call from Eujoh sayin that the Lousiest driver, Kenjoe ter-banged* a tAXI from the back.. The taxi fella was makin hell lot of noise claiming if they don't pay him for that BUMPER of his, he would call GANG~* wtf?? TAXI DRIVA ya knoe!?? cal police la dum ass.. Then Eujoh made us wait for them infront of British India. So we did as he said. On the way walkin there.. I saw some DUNGU-s RUnnIn round' with a Bakerzin cake (in box lar..).. blah blah.. So we figured out that the TAXI issue was FAKe lar... dum dum.. Then they nicely walk up to me and try to *surprise* me.. HAHAHA RaHsia TerBONgkAR D!! stewpid.. lol..but that was so sweet of them to do so.. *Luv you guys..
Aipeng, Ebelin, Kenjoe, Vince, Patricia, Nick, David, and Eu Joh had dinner with me at TGI after that. I was first greeted by both my long-lost friends.. Phik Munn & Kathleen.. They work there btw..Well.. Read this..
Me : What's the date today?
PMunn :5th?
Me : which is???
PMunn : Sunday??
Me : and.....???
(I stared at her..*dissapointedly*)
Me : Which is.....MY BIRTHDAY...=_="
Sigh...what a friend...
Dinner started at 7.30. We all had yummy meals while some gAYs were sharin.. LOL..
THEN...the BEST* part came in.. PAT informed the tgi peop bout my birthday and they came and surrounded us..i think even the manager came or some sort.. They made me STAND ON THE CHAIR , GIVE A SPEECH, and SING A SONG !!! (which i did not sing at all.. haha) all of a sudden those peop started CHEERING some TGI CheeRS or sth.. gosh.. so EMBARRASSING!!!! Everyone dining there was STARING at US!! Malunyaaa.. Okay.. that was OFFICIALLY THE MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT in my life! ThanKS to PAT YAH.....??? =_=" Geesh..
Later on, Me,Peng,Eujoh,Pat,and Kenjoe moved on to Hartamas Square. (I prefer AC)
We girls wanted to try SHEESHA** (However U spell that) So we did.. lol.. GRAPE FLAVOURED one we tried. Kjoe choked on it because he laughed too much and Pat practically almost fainted because she kept repeatin it juz to take gud pictures..LOL..Sorry pat..MY BAD..
Then at bout 11 sth we drove to OUG. ABC mamak place was where we went. Kjoe drove Eugene out to join us. We chatted for an hour or two then drove eugene n eujoh back.
Some tragedies* happened and the night ended coldly*. Well i dun wanna talk bout it. =) After that kjoe dropped us home and he left feeling sleepy.
So yeah.. Thanks,you guys for everything last night and I really appreaciate it! Beautiful memories yah??... LovaDova,Me. *HUGS & KISSES*Checkout the pics on my Xanga. *cheers*
Daddi Will Always Be Daddi.
Early this mornin around 7am, I was awaken by some noise. I heard someone opened my room door,walked in and off the air-cond. Then he sat next to my bed and kissed me on my cheek. I knew it was daddi..
~wake up..Happy Birthday..Come out and cut your cake..I need to send Jenny to school after this...~
So yeah.. i walked outta the room, sat there on the lil chair with my eyes half opened. (come on..its 7AM for goodness sake! I slept at 2 this mornin alright....?) After a couple of minutes we took a few pictures and I made a wish then sliced the cake. Oh I even peeled the Traditional RED typical... Few weeks back Daddi bought me a new digital cam which i SO-LOVE now... A cam to snap photographs of those I love and don't. Awesome! Today..I got a complimentary gift..+_+ $$$! lol!!!!!!! Tell me bout' it man.. Both my parents gave the same amount! Do they share the same mind or somethin??? Or have they formed an alliance!
Sweeeeeet.. Later in the evening, ma babes are havin dinner with me. Really lookin forward into it.. Kjoe said he's gonna gimme surprises...RIGHT...seriously..their surprises NEVER DID WORK OUT.. not even ONCE..sigh =_=" but I luvB them lOts...! Its the thought that counts.. Right?? *cheers*
It's all in my head.

Well, tell me bout it.. How many days til' spm? no idea..but its less than 2 weeks.. DEAD MEAT... gosh.. I really wanna get tht miserable 7A's... i don't just want passes..I want A's..... Oh Lord ..Shower me with your Blessings..Need em' desperately..
Tomorrow's Sara's birthday!! wOOoooHooOoooo.... gonna surprise her!! well.. hope everything goes as i planned....Daryll better get that cake for her. Sadly Caryn's in China or we'll have more fun! Saz's jealous of heR...mwahahaha.... kiddin.. I juz luv the post-its i sticked on her photo wall the other day... LX :Mcm PErempuan....LOL.. Sazzz...laugh OUT LOUD if ya're readin' this...
Peng and all are buggin me to decide where to hav dinner this Sunday.. It's MY DAY... Luv them much! But i said... MajORity deciDes.... heheheh... So no point askin me.. So long everybody have fun that night then im happy enuf..+_+ This could be my last 'My Day' with you guys.. *sobs* i'm gonna cry...neh neh neh... not yeT...SOOn i will.. *kisses*
Big PHAT Dreams
DREAMS, dreams, dreams.... What do i wanna be?? I DUNNO...stop askin me.. Like what Elissa said..MARRY a rich ole' dude..and RE-MARRY another after his death with his $$$.. LOL! NEVER gonna see WEI HUI doing that !!!.. Perhaps you might see my very own LABEL.. PHATDOLLA.. sweet...Juz two days ago, I was DREAMIN bout my MR.RIGHT when Jasminder CALLED and RUINED everythin !!! DAMN.. =_=" She made me go to sch the next day juz to hand in the surat akuan and where's she?? ABSENT!!! I felt like SLAPPIn' her man..And SOMEONE in class was showin' off her FAKE LV bag.. blablabla.. everyone was practically laughin bout' it.. TASHA : I love K** BUT I juz hate her bossy-ness. What a joke..??? BAbe, don't worry..we still love you after all the mean things we've said bout you.. AS IF you'll read my blog.. ~lalala...~~