Saturday, March 31, 2007

Grave Yard got me wasted.

Love Us. Envy Us.

The rain was pouring heavily last night and there were heavy traffics everywhere.
At about 8 I went to OU with Muyo cuz his friends were there shuffling. Yea you heard that right, shuffling in the mall, on the carpets. There was this cute lil' boy shuffling on stage and he looks so darn adorable doing it. We then stayed there till' 10 and followed Muyo's friends to dinner. Gan, Ken, Shang Hong, Siang and a few other guys were there with Wei Hui the only girl, like always. What a nice place to chill, furthermore its a mamak. I think. I guess I should go there to shisha some time soon with those I promised to go with. Later on we picked Dixon up from Piramid and headed to AC to meet up with Silas and all. The guys then foosed one round, chit-chatted a lil here and there then fetched this chiq whom I've never got to know her name home to change as she was following us to kl. While we were waiting in the car, Silas got down and started UNZIPPING HIS PANTS and PULLING HIS PANTS DOWN. gawsh you silas.. lol I saw nothing, I swear. The guys were damn hyper. Rapping shyts, singing to Sexy Back, calling each other C-egro.... LOL. I just love them man. Unfortunately, my mood was down so I didn't enjoy myself much. Sorry you guys.. Another traffic jam in kl when we were about to reach Ruums. Sickening. Seeing the moody me, Dixon was being all so sweet like always and asked; Would you like something NICE or HEAVY? I chose heavy. There comes the nightmare. A glass of Grave Yard. I felt nothing when I first drank it, so I just swallowed down the glass of it. That's what you called STUPIDITY, yeah laugh all you want. Yet, I still couldn't feel much difference UNTIL i hit the dance floor with Muyo. Ahhh.. there comes the fuglylookingdrunklady. The music played last night was awesome. Benni Bennasi.. Hell yeah. I couldn't remember much bout it. Silas was dancing all the way.. Dixon said he was trying to challenge people to dance. But hey, he's really good at it and that's undeniable. Hit the floor the second time with Dixon and that's when I really couldn't take it anymore. Sorry babe, blame my lousiness for being unable to drink. I shouldn't have chose Heavy instead of Nice. I tried so hard to sober up before going home as I've gotta wake up at 7 for some chinese prayers thingy, you know.. Cheng Beng.. Plus, it was way past my curfew and dad was too pissed to lecture me. Wait la wait.. Later.. Slept for two hours with my wet hair before dragging myself outta the bed. Hangover? For sure I got that. Felt like puking in the car with the dizziness in my head. I felt so much better after I had my breakfast. Now I'm sitting on my bed, blogging my time away with the story of yesterday.

Some videos from yesterday.

Shang Hong at ou
Amateur singers

Hawt Singaporeans

Why is everybody asking me " Is that the pic??"
Why is everybody telling me " Don't be KIASU when you come home.."
Why is everybody trying to *psycho* me and make me stay and go to Taylor's?

Ahh... I so love you guys..

I had lunch with babes yesterday, chilled with Muyo and Dixon in the evening..
Ever been to Magical Theatre at Sunway Piramid? I saw a RAT the size of a KITTEN there.
Spookyy? Yeah, especially when you're someone like me who fears RATS.
I got to know a couple of new Singaporean friends lately. Friendly, nice and not forgetting to mention.. H.A.W.T! Wei Hui will keep you posted bout that. *winks*

Let's do some countdown here.
Today, the 31st of March, the last day of the month.
6th of April, the coming Friday, the day i'm gonna know whether am I going or not.
*crossed fingers*
Like what Stephen said.
I'll live well there.
Minus the doing-my-own-laundry part.
Peng tried to tempt me to stay with the all-girls-favourite Australian Silky Terrier.
I said : A guy buy me one, i'll love him more.
AS IF..he's my boy.
Stay tuned for more..
LovaDova, Me.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Princess Hours, the MUST-WATCH Korean drama of the year. The gorgeous looking princes and princesses. You just wouldn't wanna miss it!

Hey hey.. ain't bottomless wokay..don't be a fuglyole'perv

Kim Jeong Hoon plays Lee Yul, Shin's cousin. He returns from a long stay in England with his mother, the widow of the former crown prince. The opposite of Shin, he is warm, kindhearted, sweet, and romantic--an instant hit with the girls... blablablah.. yea and IM one of em'

Wei Hui droolsss......
Like helloe? Come on..
He's so hawt and you so gotta admit that!
*Let me sense no jealousy please.*
So gonna grab the whole dvd set of it to watch the parts which i've missed.
Oh..Oh.. and also.. PRISON BREAK and HEROES.
Those shows are no joke man.
Mysterious and interesting story lines.
Keeps you stay tuned..
Planned to hit the club tonight but called it off last minute.
Friends got classes the very next morning.
So what are the solutions available?
By postponing it to another day.
Wei Hui DOES NOT club.
Rememba that.
Utter nonsense?
nahh... just kiddin'
Mood swing strike me again today.
Someone got his hair cut!
So gonna play with his hair tomorrow.
Just love doin' that.
Good Night.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Interesting Shyt.
Can You Read the truth lies behind this misplaced words...................................*** I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?**if you can raed tihs you are geart…

What Every Kiss Means

What every kiss means.
~Kiss on the stomach = I'mready
~Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we'retogether forever"
~Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
~Kiss on the Cheek = "You look socute."
~Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
~Kiss on the Neck = "we belongtogether"
~Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
~Kiss on the Lips = "I love you" What the gesture means...
~Holding Hands = "we definitely likeeach other"
~Slap on the Azz= "That's mine"
~Holding on tight = "i don't want tolet go"
~Looking into each other's Eyes = "ijust plain like you"
~Playing with Hair = "Tell me you loveme"
~Arms around the Waist = "I like youtoo much to let go"
~Laughing while Kissing = "I amcompletely comfortable with you"-
-Dont ask for a kiss, take one.If you were thinking about someonewhile reading this,you're definitely in Love.
Do you believe in that?
I copied it from the buletin board on Friendster.
Some may be true
But get real..
Some are not
and we all know it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Shop Till' We Drop!

Day One. Had a heavy dinner after one long day of window shopping with Peng. It sure was good except for that plate of grilled chicken and fish. We can never get sick of Japanese cuisine. Our all time favourite. We even got stucked in the heavy traffic for an hour before reaching Midvalley. How irritating. But at least we had fun chatting and laughin amongst ourselves because of our foolishness in primary school years. You know.. like who bullied who, who was the linen class monitor we SO-LOVE until this very day,*aherm*, our happening sleepover parties and stuffs like that.

Day Two. Shopped for real. Bought lots and lots of things. We went mall-hoppin' from Midvalley to One Utama. Tell me bout'it. When a person owns a car, they could FLY. Imagine the days when you were so young, so naive, thinking that walking all the way to Jaya supermarket was a thrill. Yeah, really childish huh? It brings back a whole lot of beautiful memories.
Ebelin who was supposed to join us today could not make it. Missed her much.
Well, we had dinner at Charms and shopped for a lil' while more before we left. Oo Oo.. I bought these really cute pajamas-shorts..whatever you call it. You know, it looks so tiny and comfy with the soft colours and all..So darn cute. I even have one with a tiny rabbit at the bottom left. Oh, forgive my bad manners, that hawt dude at the top? That's our beloved Daryll Tan. He was working at GAP so we paid him a visit. Taking a picture of him from the back doesn't mean I'm STALKIN him wokay? He's looking all so boy-boy-cute with the new haircut. Gonna pay him a surprise visit again real soon.
Two days in a row, we've been to Midvalley and bumped into Wai Git TWICE. Once on each day. What a coincidence? Burnt a really big hole in our purses. Yeah, I mean it. I myself spent 75% of my pay today alone. gawsh. It aches. hmmm.. More parties coming up. More drinks for me yeay!
Happy reading my post dearies.. LovaDova, Me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

A Reply.

A Reply.
Oh boy..

I could sense your panic when another male comes near to me.
That's when you grabbed my hands tightly.
You kissed me on my forehead just to let them know i'm with you.
Much, I did not see you do.
Maybe I was blinded.
You know I couldn't and I won't promise you anything.
All I can do is to appreciate like how you wanted me to.
To give you the warmest hug in the cold rainy night.
No lust, just plain innocent love.
One I hadn't gave anyone before.
When you whisper the three words into my ears..
I couldn't reply you with any words.
I will just hold you closer to me.
Just feel how I feel.
As actions speak louder than words.
I have said that before and here, I am saying it again.
The rank of 6 outta 10.
You've won it.
Yet not the champion.
You know I cared and I will always do.
Pull yourself together and live for yourself and me.
Take a stand.
Just smile for me like always.


I just thought to myself, what if I just disappear from the surface of earth one day before the time comes? When the light of the sun looms, when I finally closes my eyes, blows the last breath and lies there, in the coffin, a young woman named Wei Hui, with white lilies and roses in her hands. Who will blow kisses, Who will make curses, Who will tear a month long..
Each night I pray, and will keep on praying, to be able to put a smile on the faces of those I meet, of those I speak to and those who sees me. To see faces I love and adore, smiling because of me, is a contentment. Sounds foolish? May sound cliche to some of you but I don't give a fcukin damn. That is how I feel. If anyone ever wished to eradicate me, that would be the satan. I've had a lot in mind lately. Things which I have done or said that is wrong or hurting.. You know.. the many lil' silly things. Have I been loony? Have I been a lil'devil? Have I been a lovelybaby? ...

Who has the full authority of me and life? He does. Haven't been to the house of God in a while. Every time I was there, I could feel the presence of the holly one. Only those who believes will feel it, and I felt it. You know, just have Faith.
(I alwiz say that)

Let Friends not be above Family.
Let Friends be above love mates.
Let Lust not be above Love.
Let Love be above Hatred.

Something personal to be shared. A sweet message received from a worthy friend. Someone I just got to know not long ago. Hope you don't mind me sharing this. I was truly touched by it and I appreciate it a lot.
Thank you sweetie.

"...Babe, I may not know you that well to be your listener but just to let you know if at anytime you need a friend, I'm here for miss shapalapawhatever* (He meant Shapalapadingdong) im a good listener...."

if you didn't know, weihui's a good listener too.. =)
A friend to a friend and an enemy to an enemy.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Emo post



Elissa faints..

WeiHui laughs..

Ebelin stares..

Aipeng predicts..???


Dammit. Gonna miss Eli's 18th birthday!

Let me just kindly show you who they are.

But promise me, love us more.


Bytheway, ever heard of..

No Ding-Dong Without A Ring On


To me, No Ding-Dong Without Mr.Right On.


Besides baby, these are the SPECIAL few ones i'm so gonna miss, anytime soon.

May cry my eyeballs out..

I have known Aipeng & Ebelin since primary years.

So what do ya think?

Had been shopping and doin crazy thangs with Peng since, FOREVER.

Ebe, emo-ed with her.

And my guys, especially those whom i'm really close to..

And those new faces I met lately..











Argghh..fcukit man.

I love them to the end of ma toe!!!

More on the guys up next..


Your Daughter Is in Gay's Hands.

Ahahaha So CUTE!

Have you ever tried a random outing? As in, hangout with bunch of people you hardly know OR THEY hardly know each other?
1) Calls a couple of friends; you hardly know, met him once or twice only, got him to bring his friends along..etc etc..
2) Socialize with all of em'
3) Bam! There, clicked*
In my case, I called Muyo, Ivan and Dixon.
Dixon brought his friends over, Ivan stoned.
A night of drinking and camwhoring with the guys sure was heaps of fun, indeed.
Met new friends, a couple of Sarawakians; Malcolm, Silas*, Kiki, and whole lot more.
Saddeessssttttt part was, I got sore eyes from JoonKit the night before that. =_=!!
Oh, and had to leave when the fun part comes in, dance.
Enuff of stories, let the pictures to the talking, as usual.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Long post

A LONGGGGGGG post that is...........


The 24th of March sure was a TIRING DAY.

In the afternoon the two crazy women went to Subang; FTZ to hand some T-shirt design to some dude. A dude who was emo-ing. yah.

Peng's baby was there too.

He joined us for a drink later on at ac where we met a couple of our friends.

Tasha & Turgis; my colleagues, Melissa; our hmm.. long lost friend.

Yeah, the girls who were supposed to shop, did not shop.

Instead, we headed home and stone.

Tell me bout it.

Later I drove to Mayang.

Cut it short.

Picked Muyo up.

From Riley to Asia cafe to USJ11.

Foosed, Stoned, Foosed, Yumcha, Shisha.

Oh, Jeremy was with us at usj.

That dude's like.. HYPERACTIVE man..

Parked his ATOS nicely for him without knowing the handbrake's up.

Silly me, I know. Shh.

Speed home later as it was way passed my curfew; 2am.

Guess what? I got the news of some bytch's pay got reducted. Yeay me!

That's what he gets for trying to get Vince in trouble.

You got served sucka.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pay Cheque

Yeayyeay!!! Got my paycheque today! Though its like 600 bux lesser than the previous one but heck? At least something.. Blame my laziness that is. Peng got hers too.. Yeay! Shopping next week. Let the girls do their thang at their best. Hmm.. Fourteen more days till the result comes out. I could feel the andrenaline rushing in my veins and my heart pumping so fcuking hard. Hmm.. My mind is now set. To go that is and there's no turning back. I'll surely miss alot of yousss.. sweetiepiees, deariees, hunniees, and youyouyouss.. Those shyts i've got myself into, the thicks and thins, the laughters and tears.. awww.. The many friends i've made along the way.. the eighteen years. Don't forget to remember me by Carrie Underwood.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Chocolates & Kisses

Woke up at round 3 yesterday. Urghh.. Been sleeping really late lately. Because..? Someone alwiz come home late and alwiz complain that I don't have time for him.. sorta. haha. Met Nick at The Curve in the evening. Chilled at Laundry Bar and had like a few drinks when we're both driving. Hmm.. Let's see what we had.. Sex On The Beach, Sunset At The Curve, Mojito, and forgot the other one. Fooh.. He couldn't walk straightly after that. Me, my head was spinning mainly because of that stupid stick Nick gave me. Hahh. Muyo came later but he was smart enough to not take any drinks. =s Nick left us at round 11 as he had a training this morning. The rain was pouring heavily when we left. Furthermore, I was driving with my head spinning. lol. So-love driving in the rain. The road feels smoother. So, I speeded all the way to Mayang.

He says: Don't drive so fast in the rain..

We're still in one piece right? luv ya.

Wei Hui just realized that someone's really shy. He doesn't dare to talk to her while lookin at her in the eyes. awww.. but hey, he pissed her off again and bought her some chocolates to make it up to her. =p He knows what's playin in her mind and he's just gotta try harder. youknowhatimean.. It takes more than that to gain her trust.

you know I just couldn't..

Monday, March 19, 2007


My Crybaby..
His Sunshine..
My Sweetiepie..
His.. ?

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Something random..

Botak's Big Day!

David got kicked in the ass.

David just left for NS this morning and we're so missing him already. You know, the shyts we did togetha, the hoohaas.. and yadddayadda... Our beloved BOTAK. Oh no, he's the Laughin' Buddha who smokes, drinks, and clubs. So sinful.. tsk tskk.

Bet he just had the best birthday ever. The ones present last night was of course, the birthday botak boy, turning 18 officially, Aipeng, Fung How, Diandran, Muyo and Weihui. TAdaaaa!

The extras?

Met Jeremy and his future-hairstylist friend (Forgot his name, sowee.) Lookin cool with the eyeliners on babe?

Got pissed by some shyt but got back to normal later on. It sure was a really sweet huggy night in fact.

Had problem BALANCING the blardy manual, AGAIN.

hmm.. ayte. That's all for now. Gotta get dressed before the 'princess' comes and start buggin me. Au revoir loveliest.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Maison's Two

Stayed out till 7.30 this morning. Dad drove me to Jo's place at 8 last night and Jo's friend, Amy and her boy picked us up. Grace was darn funny. I mean the way she talks and the things she said. gawsh. Just couldn't stop laughin. Reached Maison at round 10.30 and the stupid bouncer checked my id. Darn it. Stayed out till the crowd came then went in with Jo's ID later. Nad, Illya, Kahar, Jun Min and all were there. Drank and danced and drank and danced.. FOOooOo. Giddy giller. Muyo had prob gettin in so I didn't get to spend much time with him then except that I met him at the entrance. *sobs* Ooo.. have I mentioned that David was there too? hahaaha. Doin his thang at his best and bought me and some girl a rose. Luvya to bits! Too bad he's leavin for NS on Sunday. Yeah back to the topic. Chatted with someone's ex by coincidence and pissed someone off. Alfred then came at 1 plus and both of us went to Ruums to meet up with Muyo and Dixon all. First impression of Dixon, as what i've expected. =) Hah. Thanks for that share of puff. lol. The guys were shuffling like some hard core shuffler to some trance. Dear bloggy, i can tell you that a few shots or nids of whatever can never get me wasted man. Its just not enough. Kay, nuff of crapz. We then left when we were told that there were going to be a raid. What a day? We were told the same damn thing when we were at Maison. Muyo, Alfred and I then went to err.. centrepoint to grab a bite. I needed a cup of coffee then as I planned to stay out all night. CC was the next destination we left to and then fetched Muyo home. Alfred mengada didn't wanna bring us to the nice place he had in mind cause he was LAZY. But hey, we went to grab a drink later and chatted till 7.30. lol. It was a last minute change of plan thingy. Don't look at me, it wasn't me. lol. He fetched me home after that. Fooh.. Thanks you guys for staying out with me.